ISDnA and New York's Coalition for OneVoice

Twelve founding members of ISDnA have been instrumental in the founding of New York's vibrant Coalition for OneVoice. See concerning the vision and work on this energetic Coalition.

New York's Coalition for OneVoice in many ways springs from the vision of the "breakout groups" at ISDnA's Common Ground 2005, which envisioned engaged and activist circles bringing the collective energies of the spiritual and transformational community to bear on crucial world issues and problems. Participants in ISDnA who attended Common Ground 2005 were aware of the potential of such a model if it could be founded in one place, one city, where persons and groups could meet regularly and carry conscious engagement forward in an ongoing way.

Bro. Wayne spoke often of the model and power of "Circles":

"Often practitioners achieve greater mutual understanding through a shared sitting... Important breakthroughs can occur, and these can carry into other areas of mutual discovery. For me, this is the most exciting level of encounter." (Mystic Heart, p. 29)

"Such intensifications can explode into other states of awarness, insights, intuitions and realizations" and "are precious occasions for growth and breakthroughs." (Mystic Heart, p. 86)

"If transformatin is only a matter of consciousness, then there is always the rish that the change may never touch the deeply hidden intentions of the heart. If the will is not involved in the radical change the spiritual process initiates, then the resultant "enlightenment" is only partial. Clearly, if mystical process it to be complete, it must include a profound transformation of the will". (Mystic Heart, p. 89)

"Any truly viable spirituality for the third millenium will need to include our commitment to the social dimension". (Mystic Heart, p. 152)

New York's OneVoice Coalition, which now involves a large number of the New York ISDnA community, is an outgrowth of this vision.

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